Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Getting there...

We're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel...bathroom will be completed by the end of the week. We tiled the floor and started to tile the tub. Looks good too! We also primed/painted two of the bedrooms upstairs, and only need to do 1 more. Floors upstairs will be refinished starting tomorrow (Wednesday). Pending a smooth inspection tomorrow, the kitchen should be done within the next two weeks as well. If only Thanksgiving wasn't next week screwing up our schedule! Oh well, everyone loves turkey. See pics below!

More to come! Stand by!
And as always....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Coming Along

This weekend we managed to put in installation and clean off the chimney - downstairs at least, the chimney in the bathroom still needs some love.

You almost feel like an archaeologist while cleaning the chimney. It's an intense process using chisels, wire brushes, and acid washes. You can clearly see in the above picture where the acid was used and where it wasn't.

This is what our tank-less water heater looks like.

And our new high efficiency furnace.

More pics in the flickr album!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Before & After - Part 1 - The Yard

The most dramatic changes we made to the house this past weekend were in the yard. Check out some before & after pictures below.

Front - After

Finally, you can see the house from the street...which is nice.

There were trees & bushes growing up the side of the house.

Had to get rid of them.

Behind the garage was a mess. There we could see that there was a fence which created a little pen/kennel area...

Which there was - need to get back in there with a weed whacker and some paint. Previous owners must have treated it a as a garbage dump - some people have no respect for their own property.

While I was on top of the garage I snapped some shots of the entire yard which had just been mowed (thanks to my dad!).

Gloria & my Mom

That's all for now!


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Home Improvement

Home improvement has begun. Check out our Flickr album below.


We'll be updating this album as the improvements go on.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Real Progress

My wife and I got our first home! An all around sweet deal in a great part of a great town. We couldn't be happier.

As with many first homes, it's a fixer-upper. I'll do my best to keep you updated on the progress of the remodel/rehab. Here's a pic and a link to my Flickr album of the house, back before it was touched to begin any updates.

Flickr photo album

Stay tuned, I'll keep adding pictures / updates as we remodel the house.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yes, you can

Progress has halted on the blog. Please Stand by.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Drivers of Michigan Roads...

Read this. You will laugh and/or chuckle.

Source: Autoblog

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

A Marriage Based on a Pun

Free cars are cool and all, but would you want to get married at the Chicago Auto Show?
[read here]

Friday, January 25, 2008

How will you stimulate the economy?

The big "Economic Stimulus Plan" has passed, and it looks like all the John & Jane Q. Tax-payers out there (even those that don't pay the Fed) will be a little richer come summer time. Here's how it boils down...

(from Consumerist.com)

  • Workers making at least $3000 but not paying federal income taxes: $300

  • Income tax paying individuals: $600

  • Working couples: $1200

  • People with children: extra $300 per child

  • Individuals making $87,000 and couples up to $174,000: partial rebates

  • etc...
Now, I'm not one to turn down free money, nor am I any kind of economist. I may have an excel-spreadsheet budget, but I wouldn't want to begin to understand the complexities behind running the budget for you know, an entire country. I plan on putting my money directly into the bank. When we put our down payment on our first house, we'll have to send a thank you letter to the US Government I suppose. If we don't get weaseled out of the rebate by some ridiculous loop-hole. At any rate it's new TV's, PS3's, Xbox's, Wii's, Car Down Payment's, Computers, etc...for everyone! America F-Yeah!

Oh wait, what?

It could potentially double last year's budget deficit of $163 Billion.

"I am concerned that in our rush to help, we talk ourselves into a quick, feel-good hit today that will leave us with a bigger budgetary hangover tomorrow," said Rep Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the senior Republican on the House Budget Committee.

Sorry Grand kids. It just gets gloomier and gloomier for you.

Tax Rebate Deal Could Mean Checks by May | AP
Deal Reached in US Economic Plan |BBC News

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

To quote Styx...

To much time on my hands! (this guy does)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Solid Friggin' Songs....

So I'm going to start out a new feature today called "Solid Friggin' Songs", enjoy.

Sitting at work today, listening to Sirius Satellite radio in our edit suite a total blast from my musical past hit me like a ton of bricks. Soul Asylum's "Black Gold." I had to stop reading what I was reading and start whistling. Good song. In hindsight, much better than "Runaway Train" or that other hit of theirs with Claire Daines in the music video. Enjoy the music video below, you have to love the early-nineties of it all.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Apple TV Take 2 - Get it?

So this year's Apple Keynote was today. The new MacBook Air looks pretty sweet at first glance, but not having a user-replaceable battery is a pretty big strike against it. With a computer this tiny however, I personally couldn't see myself doing anything on it which would have me missing it for a few days when the battery needs replacing 2 years from now. It's the total net-surfing, paper-writing-while-sitting-on-the-couch machine.

There was also an update to the iPhone, which was not all that earth-shattering. Also a "companion" to Time Machine called Time Capsule - which really is just an AirPort Extreme with a hard drive. In reality though, shouldn't I be able to use Time Machine with an external hard drive that I have hooked up to my AirPort Extreme? Lame.

What really stuck out for me was the new features / price for Apple TV & movie rentals. While it's awesome I can rent movies directly through Apple TV and watch them on my wide screen and/or HD Television (I still need to get both an Apple TV & HD set), I still wish the Apple TV worked more like a Tivo or other DVR. Record my favorite TV shows automatically, and let me watch them when I want. With the Apple TV in its current state though, there is nothing stopping me from acquiring said TV shows from the Internet and transferring them over my network to the Apple TV to watch them on our nice new couch on our future television. The Apple TV seems to be inching closer and closer to being a pretty awesome media hub for your home theater it's just not completely there yet....

To wrap it up, not a bad couple of new products/features, but nothing to write home about really. I'll have to check out a MacBook Air at a store to get a final opinion on it. If you can live without DVR capabilities AppleTV is worth the plunge.

Watch the Keynote : Apple.com
The Unofficial Apple Weblog's Coverage

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Would Anyone Like to Buy Me This?

My PowerMac G5 is getting a little long in the tooth...

New 8-Core Mac Pro

Seriously though, it seems like Apple is slapping new processors into their computers as fast as they can. Or maybe time is just going by really fast. At any rate, I don't think I've had a computer for as long as I've had my current one - I got my first/current Power Mac in October of 2003. Remarkably, with all the advances in tech in the last few years my computer hasn't skipped a beat and runs just as good as any today. The only thing I've had to replace so far is the DVD-Rom (couldn't take the 4x speed anymore, and it began to refuse reading certain discs). All in all solid as a friggin' rock, so no real need for a new one, but you must agree the new Mac Pro's look amazing. That's all.

Turns out, he's just a regular dude.

Over at Gizmodo, they have a three part interview with Bill Gates from this year CES. The interviews, while short, offer a different look at one of the richest men in the world. Definitely worth checking out regardless of what side of the Apple/Linux/Microsoft 3-sided die you land on (unfortunately, this die wont protect you from a +25 Orc, but will ad +2 to all Healing Spells). In the interview he offers honest answers, which is a nice change of pace in the PR infested world we live in. Follow the link below to check the 3 part video out.

Link: Holy Crap: Did Bill Gates Just Say Windows Sucks?
(Source: Gizmodo)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

This isn't going to be pretty...

Well, as you can probably tell, this isn't a "new" blog - but rather, an abandoned blog. I started it back in June/July as a way to occupy myself during the dull summer days working in the Detroit Advertising Market®. At least that's how it should have been....turns out right around the time I "launched" this blog, our little edit suite was rocked with work. While all the agencies normally should have been out filming, something got mixed up and suddenly we were in hot demand.

Being such hot commodities leaves little extra time to design, code, and write entries. Sure, I could have taken the easy route - pick a template page from Blogger's website and just write. That's never really been my style however, I love to create and get a kick out of CSS & HTML. So essentially what happens is things get put off until I feel I can focus just enough energy towards them. No blog should be published if it isn't "finished". The only problem though, is I never felt like I had sufficient time to finish it. You dig?

It's a New Year however, and since I set this blog up I kept thinking, "I'll get to that this weekend!" or "Maybe next week would be good". Well, I've decided (and you can call it a New Year's resolution, though I wouldn't) that I'm going to stop putting things off. Surely I can take my time and update both design and entries. With the Internet pretty much acessible anywhere these days, I think it should be pretty easy.

When my wife Gloria & I were planning our wedding we had a blog called The Cool Team. Basically that kept wedding guests up to date on how things were going with the planning, menu choices, directions on how to get there, etc. Simmilarly aim for this blog is not just to talk about what I think is cool or interesting, but to also keep a record of progresses made throughout the year, hence the title "You Can't Sop Progress" - thanks Clutch. Who knows what form it will take, but I'll do my best to keep it updated.

So here we are, this page will be a little ugly for sometime. Heck, it might even be ugly by the time I finish it. Hopefully this little experiment works. Thanks for reading!